The Technical Section monitors the generation, transmission and distribution operations of Alabama Power Co., purchase options and operational activities of regulated gas utilities, and operations management of regulated water utilities. The section also performs engineering analyses of utility plant additions and purchased power contracts. The section also helps with overseeing energy utility compliance with Commission rules and regulations.

These responsibilities are accomplished by visiting electricity generating plants, transmission and distribution offices and field operations, monitoring construction projects, plus arranging and attending various technical meetings with corporate planners within utilities. The Technical Section also provides direct assistance to utility customers through telephone and personal communications, including customer site visits.

The section also provides assistance to other sections in the division and the Commission.

The section makes a diligent effort to stay abreast of the latest technological developments in the electric, gas and water industries as well as relevant proceedings before federal regulatory agencies. The section also reviews research and development projects undertaken by regulated utility companies.

The section's facility visits in FY-00 are listed below: Back| Contents